Well well well… guess who messed up the streak right away 😂
It’s ok, I’m here today at least lol. Maybe I’ll post twice today. Who knows!
The worst part is that it was in my to-do list yesterday… and I can’t say that I didn’t have time to write. I just ended up working, napping and reading my recently purchased book “Women living deliciously” by Florence Given. I think this book couldn’t have arrived in my life at a better time! 💗 I’m only at page 44 but I’m savouring every sentence.
Anyway… let’s dive into the topic of the day: perfectionism.
Perfectionism is something that has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.
Over the past few years, however, I discovered what it was truly hiding: fear of failure and rejection.
In a nutshell, you hold yourself to impossible standards and therefore block yourself from attempting anything due to the fear that you’ll never be able to attain these standards. So why bother trying, right? If nothing is ever good enough in your own eyes, surely it must be even worse in the eyes of others?
I’m not saying anything new but it’s true, we are our own worst critics.
Obviously this tend to stem from our education and attachement models during our childhood.
But as we age, if we don’t do some inner work , it just gets worse.
The sentence “Done is better than perfect” truly resonates with me for that reason.
Thanks to therapy and a lot of introspection, I realized that I truly want to free myself from my own mental cuffs. I’ve had enough of trying to be “enough”, let alone “perfect”!
But knowing is only half the battle. You have to constantly fight this urge, this little voice that tells you that what you’re doing and/or who you’re being is not enough. That it could be better.
Listen, I’m all in favor of self-growth, evolution, dedication and quality work.
this can only happen if you let yourself make mistake! Learn! Fuck up once in a while and study what went wrong to do better the next time.
So, here’s to being imperfect. 🥂
Here’s to me figuring it out as I go, as every other person on this planet does, despite the appareances.
Here’s to me striving to do better through repetition, consistency and learning.
And here’s to us saying fuck off to perfectionism.
We are loved just as we are. Flaws and all.
With love,