Table of Contents

First of all, I hope you catch the reference of that title.
If not, you’re missing out on a masterpiece.
Life update
Long story short: I’m tired.
This was to be expected, given that I’ve only taken a week off since January this year.
It has also been a very intense year for me, overall very positive on a personal level… so it’s not a complaint at all, but just a realisation. Q1 of 2022 will probably also be quite busy, and after that, I hope I can take some (imo) well deserved rest.
Regardless of how busy I am or not, winter has always been a challenge for me. My body simply gives up during this season. Up until a couple of years ago, I thought I was being dramatic - turns out it’s actually seasonal depression. Now, I just accept it for what it is and try to compose around it.
Today however is a very beautiful, sunny and warm winter day. I’m grateful for each ray of sunshine! 🌞
Planning ahead
So recently I’ve been wanting to review 2021 and start planning for 2022, but until now I’ve felt mentally/emotionnally overwhelmed, so I haven’t been able to finish this task yet.
While scrolling through my Google Calendar, I got amazed unrolling this year… so many projects, so many new people met, so many opportunities.
2020 was a reset, 2021 has been a rebirth… what about next year?
I feel like I’ve changed so much these past two years.
I’m way more confident, more assertive, more in tune than ever with myself.
This means leaving behind drama, friendships that no longer work, as well as understanding patterns and dynamics in my different relationships.
I’ve done a lot of thinking and analysing this year. Which brings some answers but even more questions. It’s definitely an interesting journey to be on!
A little review of Supercharge Your Productivity
I already talked about Khe on this newsletter, so you probably know him by now. If not, here’s a really cool video he made with the team @ Convertkit :

Khe runs a course called “Supercharge Your Productivity”, or SYP, and I’ve joined the ranks of cohort 8.
Unfortunately, due to my packed schedule, having family over & overall changes in my life, I haven’t been able to join most sessions live.
However, I knew there was tons of value, and decided to watch the replay of all the main sessions, whenever I had some free time.
What can I say… the title is definitely not doing it justice!
While productivity is a central topic of the course, it goes far beyond - and helps you understand your own motivations better, in order to align your actions with your true goals.
Khe and his team are some of the most loving, kind and compassionate people I’ve met online. All the interactions that I’ve seen on our Slack group were so gentle and kind.
Definitely my kind of people!
If you feel overwhelmed, lost or unsure if you’re “playing the right game”, then I definitely recommend this course to you!
I know for a fact that I will keep thinking about and working on the strategies, frameworks and insights that were provided by the lightning team ⚡.
A year of reflexion (and self-reflection)
Writing this newsletter, I realise that going from “It’s all in your head” to “The alchimist” to SYP, as well as some new newsletters I’ve been reading on a weekly basis, most of the content I’ve consumed has been a great tool in my internal journey.
Thoughts shape our reality - be mindful of that.
Which brings me to another cool find (from Instagram this time) - this Mantra Remix by Michael Seven. Very motivating!
That's all for now folks!
This issue didn’t contain much actionnable value I guess, but it felt important to share what’s up in my head & life right now.
I probably won’t publish another one until January, so in the meantime I hope you will have a great holiday season, no matter if you’re alone, with friends or with family.
I know it’s not necessarily a positive part of the year for some, so I’m sending you my love & strength to you if that’s the case.
May 2022 be shining bright and bring more peace onto us.
Thank you for reading my words.
With much gratitude,